TWENTY PCA members representing growers of many types of crops and their allied trade came together on May 23rd 2017. Together they toured two hydroponic, greenhouse farms showing capsicums at New Life Industries (pictured right) and tomatoes at Brandsema Hydroponic Tomatoes.

At Devonport Convention Centre everyone enjoyed a free lunch and industry presentations about the latest innovations for protected cropping.

This coincided with the Greenhouse Technical Management course hosted by Graeme Smith, Rick Donnan and Leigh Taig.

There was a particularly good turn out from the berry sector and great feedback, with participants keen to attend another PCA organised event.

It was a cost free day thanks to the generous support from PCA Partners; Brinkman Australia, Powerplants Australia, EE Muir, Irrigation Tasmania and Agvita Analytical Laboratory.

In November 2018 PCA will host a two day regional tour of Tasmania visiting several crops, growing systems and greenhouse structures including retractable roofs.