Australia’s protected cropping industry is going ahead in leaps and bounds, according to Nicky Mann, the chair of Protected Cropping Australia.
The protected cropping industry is the fastest growing food producing sector in Australia, now valued at around $1.8 billion at the farm gate per annum. This is equivalent to 20% of the value of total vegetable and cut flower production in Australia (RIRDC report HSA-9A). It is estimated that more than 10,000 people are employed directly in greenhouse horticulture throughout Australia, with the industry expanding at between 4-6% pa. The average return on investment is between 5% and 10%, with the potential return on investment for high technology greenhouse vegetable enterprises as high as 20-25% pa.
Protected Cropping Australia (PCA) is the peak industry body representing commercial hydroponic and greenhouse growers Australia wide. PCA members also include equipment and installation suppliers, specialist consultants and advisors, researchers and educators.
Over the past year, the PCA board has been working to develop a strategy to raise the profile of the industry and to ensure strong representation for all participants in the sector. As part of this plan, Ms Mann today announced the appointment of Jan Davis as PCA’s first ever Executive Officer.
Jan has held leadership roles in a number of industry groups in the agriculture sector, including the Agribusiness Australia, the Tasmanian Farmers and Graziers Association, Growcom (Queensland Fruit and Vegetable Growers), Greening Australia, the Australian Mushroom Growers Association, and the Nursery and Garden Industry Association of Australia. As CEO of these organisations, she has earned a reputation as an innovative thinker and a driver of change.
“I am absolutely delighted by Jan’s appointment. She has a wealth of experience and the knowledge to get the job we want done, and I am extremely proud of the current Board for being bold enough to make the changes needed to achieve the outcomes we want to see happen,” Ms Mann said.
Ms Davis said “PCA is entering a new, exciting and challenging stage, and I am honoured to be afforded the opportunity to take on an expanded role to work with the Board, members and other stakeholders to realise the vision that has been developed during the past year.”
Long-serving association administrator, Saskia Blanch, will continue to work with PCA. Her focus will now be on the production of the association’s very successful quarterly magazine ‘Soilless Australia’, our biennial conference, and member services.
“Going forward, we now have a strong team in place to ensure PCA is delivering value to our growers, allied trade, sponsors and business partners. It’s a win-win situation for our fast-paced and ever-evolving industry,” Ms Mann said.
Media Contacts
Nicky Mann, 0404 921 209
Jan Davis, 0409 004 228