The team at the Service NSW Business Bureau is here to support you and your business in 2024.

We can make it easier for you to navigate government more effectively, and access tools and resources to help you succeed.

One of our recently upgraded tools is the Service NSW Business Bureau app. The new version provides faster, more direct access to government information, services and transactions. Use it to:

  • book free sessions with independent business advisors
  • register for training and networking events
  • redeem government vouchers
  • save licences associated with your business, staff and contractors.


No smoking means no vaping

Did you know that everywhere smoking is banned, vaping is too?

The ban includes areas such as shopping centres, cinemas, public transport stops and platforms, outdoor dining areas, sports grounds, playgrounds and many other spaces.

Make sure your workers and customers know the rules by displaying ‘No Smoking means No Vaping’ posters free from NSW Health.

Free tools and resources to make hiring easier

The Fair Work Ombudsman is here to help employers meet their workplace obligations at all stages of the hiring process.

They offer free information, advice, tools and resources to ensure workplaces are compliant, right from the start.

They can help you understand awards, entitlements such as leave, ensuring you’re paying employees correctly.

Free hiring advice and tools.

Cut waste costs with the Bin Trim app

Bin Trim is a free online portal that shows businesses how to reduce their waste while saving money, time, and caring for the environment.

Use it to assess your waste management methods and get practical solutions to cut waste costs.

Complete a Bin Trim assessment and your business could be eligible for a rebate of up to $50,000.

A free and fast way to start protecting your ideas

Imagine coming up with a unique brand name or logo, only to see another business using it.

It’s important to protect yourself by registering the brand name or logo as a trade mark (TM) early in your business journey.

Use the free TM Checker tool to:

  • check if a word, phrase or logo is already trade marked
  • get tips on what makes a good trade mark
  • learn how you can register your own trade mark.

It only takes a few minutes to do the initial check.