26 Season’s pathway to commercially growing strawberries in a vertical garden Matt Keltie
Advanced High-Tech Smart Farm System for Higher Yield Steve Kim
A grower perspective on meeting blueberry market demands for Europe and Asia Greg Murdoch
Applying Marketing Principles for Better Business Outcomes Tracey Perez
Are protected cropping systems invincible to microbial food safety risks Sukhvinder Pal Singh
Automation of plant growth monitoring and recipe adjustment through a data driven biofeedback system Pavlos Kalaitzoglou
Behind the Glass AI’s Blooming Romance with Protected Cropping Fiona Turner
Can mobile pollinizer units help to increase fruit set in protected cropping Katja Hogendoorn
Chilli Thrips Jake Byrne
Climate, energy, renewables Niall Blair
Composting end-of-life Rockwool slabs Renga Ramasamy
Dan’s story, and why it hasn’t ended Lucy Haslam
Developments in energy security for protected cropping Les Blackwell
Welcome to Country and Opening Address Dr Kirstin Ferguson
Effects of planting dates on the growth and fruit yield of capsicum varieties in a retractable roof production system under semi
Efficient Medicinal Cannabis Cultivation Andrew Olley
Executive Chef, BCEC – kitchen sustainability and food waste distribution Matthew Arnold
Fulfilling Asia’s Demands through Protected Cropping Exports Sam Turner
Future Proofing Food Production in the APAC region through vertical farming and protected cropping strategies Prof Paul Gauthier
Growers Panel Andrew Mcillwain, George Jessett, Jack Mooney & Belinda Frentze
Growers Panel Andrew Mcillwain, George Jessett, Jack Mooney & Belinda Frentze
GROWER WORKSHOP – IPDM Jake Byrne, Dan Papacek, Cherie Gambley, Ivan Casteels
GROWER WORKSHOP – PC101 Part 1 PC Growing Systems, Structures & Climate Graeme Smith, Tony Bundock, Henry Bosman, Odin Franssen
GROWER WORKSHOP – PC101 Part 2 Irrigation, Nutrition & Hygiene Marcus Van Heijst, Ben Nikaj and Melanie Power
GROWER WORKSHOP – Transitioning from Soil to Soilless Media Tony Bundock, Zak Iqbal, Josh Pirrone, Cheyne Clarke
Grow Fibre Rohan Davies
High Pressure Fogging, an integral part of climate management! And what this implies to your energy + water management strategy
Hydroponic Berry Production – Coir Reuse, Recycling and Alternative Substrates Jake Gaudion
I’ve never been in this position before benefits of a returning seasonal workforce Grant Owen
Innovations in greenhouse IPM technologies Dan Papacek
Integrated Root Zone Management for a successful Crop Ben Nikaj
Integrated Root Zone Management for a successful Crop Ben Nikaj
Investing in the Future of Protected Propping Adrian Hunt
Iodine, applied as micro nutrient in potassium nitrate to fertigated crops, supports plant photosynthesis, root growth and stress
IPDM & BIOSECURITY Panel Discussion including Cherie Gambley
Managing microbes for better postharvest quality Jenny Ekman
Mapping Protected Cropping Systems in Australia Craig Shephard
MARKETING PROTECTED CROPPING & IP Sam Turner, Tracey Perez, Mike Evans, Andrew Macnish and Greg Murdoch
Welcome to Country and Opening Address Minister Furner
National Product Stewardship for Agricultural Plastics – Insights and Lessons Carl Larsen
NSW DPI Medicinal Cannabis agronomy, pathology and entomology research, is for the other Cannabis presentation Tyson Peterswald
Opportunities for high-tech horticulture in urban Australia Henry Gordon-Smith
Organic Production with Protected Cropping Systems Josefine Pettersson
Pairing tradition with technology growing Australia’s future with CEA Chris Horne
PCA Awards
PEOPLE, SKILLS & NUFFIELD PANEL Jodie Redcliffe, Nicky Mann, Emily Rigby, Ross Pirrone & Jan Vydra
Plant empowerment presentation Ton Habraken, Evripidis Papadopoulos and Remy Maat
Plastic Smart Program – Supporting Industry and Securing Supply Jason Durham
POLLINATION Q&A Panel Katja Hogendoorn, Chris Lehnert, Karen Bezerra da Silva Santos, Onyeka Nzie
Practical approach to hygiene to prevent introduction and spread of bacteria fungi and viruses Jasper Verhoeven
Protective nets reduce pollen flow in blueberry orchards Karen Bezerra da Silva Santos
RD&E supporting adoption in the tropics & subtropics Elio Jovicich
Recalls happen –what can we learn from them to inform and support industry in the future Robin Sherlock
Reflections on Hort Award changes one year on and what’s next Henrietta Child
RNA-based disease control in protected cropping environments Anne Sawyer
sound Extending innovation throughout the supply chain for protected cropping produce Andrew Macnish
South East Queensland Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Vegetable Farmers An expanding demographic of new farmers in the 21st century
Sowing the Future Building Research and Development for Commercial Vertical Farming Robert Coe
Spawn of the millennium Will magic mushrooms flourish as a new industry in Australia Alistair McTaggert
Specialty crops for the tropics Heidi Wiggenhauser
Steps to ensure shoppers pay enough for your produce Mike Evans
Strategies to improve the profitability of tree fruit production in temperate and tropical climates with protected cropping systems
Student R&D Presentation Leny Jane Pame, Kayley Camacho, Tyson Peterswald, Mark Cardamis, Olumuyiwa Elliott, Pratyush Ravichande
Sunlight Optimisation Strategies Spectrum selective shading and supplemental lighting Chris Wilkins
The ABCB role in classifying buildings under the National Construction Code Gabrielle Wallace
The future of cannabis – medical, adult use, food & more! Emily Rigby
The importance of sex expression in Cannabis sativa Lennard Gracia-de Heer
The Success of Industry Led Product Stewardship Dominique Doyle
Trends in industry development and land use planning in the Netherlands Bart Stengs
Understanding Rootzone Environment Joyce Zhu
Welcome to Country and Opening Address
What are the opportunities for intensive horticulture in urban Australia Kristen Stirling
What are you looking for in your substrate The questions I ask myself as a grower and advisor Stefan Vogrincic
Yield and fruit quality responses of cucumber, eggplant and capsicum crops to fertigation levels in a high-tech greenhouse Wei Liang